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And you look in the mirror and like what you see! What about that?


Lift & Glow Ritual

Es ist Gesichtsmuskeltraining und Lymphdrainage in einem. Liefert einen Super-Glow und sorgt für eine Verlangsamung der Hautalterung.
0% Alkohol & 100% Natur.


Beauty rituals instead of beauty routines

Die Gesichtszüge glätten sich, der Tonus der Haut verbessert sich, die Ausstrahlung wird lebendiger und du fühlst dich schöner, zufriedener und selbstbewusster. Ganz ohne Botox & Filler!

Skin care developed and manufactured in Austria.

With our products and care rituals, you can rejuvenate wrinkled, sagging and tired skin in a natural way. All products are free of drying alcohols and contain 100% natural and organic ingredients.

Vegan. Not tested on animals.

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Lymphdrainage für zuhause:

Effektiv und einfach



I have had many women in my workshops who

Now I really enjoy looking inside the mirror again. 

Vienna, Bad Vöslau & Online

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In this 90-minute workshop, I will show you how to use Gua Sha correctly to achieve the greatest effect . If you use the technique regularly, you can look forward to reduced expression lines (Botox effect) and swelling, tightened facial contours and a fresh, plump complexion. By the way: Even if you already have experience with Gua Sha, I promise you that you will learn a lot of new things and correct one or two mistakes.


Glow Cupping is the modern version of cupping and gives the skin a radiant, rosy glow. It then appears plumped up (filler effect). The effect is immediately visible. In the Glow Cupping workshop I will show you the right technique and lots of tips for firm, tight and healthy skin.

Customer testimonials

Vicky Lash Makeup Artist

Vicky Lash
makeup artist

The most beautiful glow effect available in spray form. Skin feels plump and instantly refreshed. A non-alcohol serum is just perfect for my skin and the richness for such a light spray serum is just amazing.”
Anastasia S. - Yoga teacher

Anastasia S

yoga teacher

Fantastic products my
face glow has been upgraded 🧡
The super glowy essence gives
an excellent glow.
A 5 star product always with me!
Nadja King - Customer

Nadia King

"Since I've been doing my Gua Sha ritual regularly, I've noticed a visible change in my skin: the contours are more defined, the skin is smoother and firmer and I look less tired and therefore younger. I've even been asked about it, which is of course a nice compliment 😊 I can only recommend it to everyone!"
Mag. Natalie Herzlieb Bren | founder

I, too, was always looking for suitable products for my dry skin and natural alternatives to face tightening and fillers. I'm Natalie (50) and the founder of Clean Beauty Concept. Beauty was and is my biggest passion. I really want to show women that even without Botox & Filler is possible to tighten the face naturally, reduce wrinkles and lift facial contours. In my courses and workshops, I'll show you all the techniques you need to rejuvenate naturally and feel good about it. 

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Clean Beauty Concept Magazine

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